Een overzicht van topics die deze week in mijn Diigo belandden...
- "If you’re a Google Docs user, curious about Google Docs, work with Google Docs with students, and especially if you’re looking for help understanding all of the features of Google Docs, then you’ve got to bookmark MaryFran’s Google Docs Tutorials...."
- "One of the core principles of good iPad usage that my EdTechTeacher colleagues have developed is the idea that educators should focus on creation apps rather than content apps". via Pocket
- "It has become increasing clear that many primary or elementary schools are moving into the touch and swipe environment in a big way. This is sometimes part of a system wide decision but many times this decision has been made at the local level in ..."
- "Have you been wondering about new and creative ways to use Facebook apart from the ones I covered in Teachers Guide to The Use of Facebook in Education ? Well today Derrek has the answer for you". via Pocket
- "I got a couple of emails from some of you asking about the fonts I use when writing my e-Books". via Pocket
- "Twitter is a brilliant resource for student collaboration, both between classes and peer groups and with other students and academics around the world! Here are 5 great ways for students to collaborate using Twitter…" via Pocket
- "What did you think about when you first read Teaching without Words ? Probably a voice inside you shouted out-loud : No way, this can't be possible! Well this is what mine did". via Pocket
- "Dyslexia turned Mat Peterson from a guy with severe reading disabilities into an educator of grand calibre.His free-language approach I talked about in Teaching Without Words has created a real revolution in literacy education in the States. Watch..."
- "There are plenty of things you can do with your online storage accounts. They can be used for fairly everyday things such as backing up your data, syncing files between computers or sharing files with other people". via Pocket
- "For a multitude of reasons, teaching in today’s time is nothing short of exciting. One such reason for so much enthusiasm is the availability of educational technology. It seems every day I discover a new technology tool that offers to enhance, st..."
- "Hier weer een ICT-gerelateerde broodje-aap verhaal, namelijk de tendens om het onderwijs los te weken van het leren van dingen en te veranderen in onderwijs gericht op het zoeken (en hopelijk vinden) van dingen. Uitgangspunt van deze verandering van focus is dat wat wij zouden moeten weten en leren al op het web staat. Docenten hoeven al die vervelende feiten, concepten, enzovoorts niet meer te doceren en studenten hoeven het niet meer te leren en onthouden. Als zij iets nodig hebben of moeten weten, dan Googlen zij dat gewoon. Met andere woorden de trend om te leren door informatie te zoeken."
- "Hoeveel suikerklontjes gaan er in een blikje cola? Wat is biologisch eten? Waarom is ontbijten zo belangrijk? En: Hoe snack je gezond? In het lesprogramma Smaaklessen voor de groepen 1 tot en met 8 van de basisschool komen de antwoorden op deze en andere vragen aan bod. Diverse onderwerpen over voeding zijn gebundeld in een Wikiwijs-arrangement, die bestaat uit een docentenhandleiding en verwijzingen naar diverse lesideeën."
- "So you are looking for some learning apps for your kid but not sure where to get them. No worries, that is part of the job we do here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning. We help teachers and parents like you make informed decisions as t..."
- "One of the important digital skills for our students today is the ability to make narrated slideshows and screen casts. Knowing how to create such animated tutorials is essential for their overall digital literacy development". via Pocket
- via Pocket
- "You may have a Twitter account that you don’t use very often. You may tweet once in blue moon. You may just use it to ‘lurk’ during hashtag chats you enjoy. (Check out our list of Twitter hashtags for to get started with that!) But you may not be ..."
- "Avator tools are like the comic tools I have covered in an earlier post before, they both involve the use of images but in a funny and joyful way. Of course these tools can be used for a variety of educational purposes with our students in the cla..."
- "Google Maps is the best free tool for all your mapping and navigation needs. It’s comprehensive, intuitive to use, and available across platforms. Since there is no serious competition in sight, you might as well settle with it for now and use som..."
- "I am one of the big fans of Thinglink and I am pretty sure some of you are using it too. ThingLink has a huge educational potential and teachers and educators can use it in a variety of ways. "via Pocket
- "Share ideas that matter and shine on the Web. Are you sure you want to delete this scoop?" via Pocket
- "iPads are designed as inherently personal devices. There are no user logins or custom desktops for different users as there might be on a laptop or desktop. Many schools however share iPads between classes and students in much the same way that th..."
- "OK, so you have some shiny new iPads at school. One of the first things that many teachers want to do is to be able to hook them up to their Interactive Whiteboards to show whatever is on the screen to a class. It’s a question I get asked a lot on..."
- "For me, RSS feeds are the ideal way to keep up to date with all the websites I’m interested in – a centralised news-pool, so you don’t have to check your browser every five minutes just to stay on top of the news." via Pocket
- "Critical thinking is a skill much sought after in probably every curricula . It is our ultimate goal as teachers and educators to bring up students who are critical thinkers and problem solvers". via Pocket
- "While most tablets have a shelf life longer than six months (*cough* iPad 3 *cough*), they all grow obsolete eventually. When the march of technology sends your slate to the junk drawer don't just sell it off. Recycle it into a high-powered specia..."
- "Are you debating a venture into the world of education app development? More power to you. Seriously. It’s rough out there. Everyone and their brother has an education app these days and you need to have a novel idea to really stand out. Even then..."
- "It is amazing how fast the iTunes app store is growing, no sooner does an app appear then it becomes outdated. It seems like app developers outnumber customers and this is a good thing for us because with the growing competition comes enhanced pro..."